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Grading Criteria

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Grading Criteria

Overbrook Academy has two semesters (Fall and Spring). Progress reports and report cards are issued semesterly.

Graduation Requirement:

Annual students are required to complete a digital portfolio (collection of student works) that demonstrates proficiency in and mastery of standards in each of the subject areas.

Students must have a passing grade (65) in each of their classes in order to successfully complete the program of study. Grades are numerical.

The grading system is as follows:


100-95:      Excellent

94-90:        Very Good

89-85:        Good

84-80:        Average

79-75:        Satisfactory

74-70:        Below Average

69-65:        Poor

64-0:          Failing

Digital Portfolios (requirement for graduation)


TOEFL Junior is administered two times per year (September and May). This is used as a pre/post test to determine student progress within the program.


Renaissance Star Testing is administered to students quarterly in Reading (English) and Math. The first test is administered at the beginning of school to help form Individual Learning Plans. Subsequent tests are used to monitor student progress.

Students who maintain a grade point average of 95, with no grades lower than a 90 will be on honor roll. Honor roll is determined at the close of each quarter.

Students who are under-performing or failing are placed into Academic Tracking. Students who are academically tracked are offered support services and appropriate interventions.